Who created the term headhunter anyway? It’s not very personal, is it? We consider ourselves experts, coaches, confidantes, and friends to the talent who trust us with their career goals, wishes, and wants. But hey, headhunter is the term people seem to use, so we’re just going with it. But the point is, whatever you call what we do, we do it better, we do it differently, we do it because we love helping people be their best selves.

Nerd Up Logo Seal: N icon in the middle with the words Smarter Staffing, That's What's Up around the outside.

Nerd Up takes the time and care to understand what will make you love your next job—day to day and long term. Then, and only then, we go out there and find it for you.

We listen closely to what you're *really* hoping to find—even if you think it's impossible.
We’ll give you candid feedback along the way. And only ask that you be candid with us as well.
Finding your "perfect job" isn't supposed to be arduous, it should be precise; but the best matchmaking and connecting to others who are also tops should be enjoyable.
Humor is not only welcome, it's a must.

You ready? Because we are. Giddy up.

Nerd Up Logo Seal: N icon in the middle with the words Smarter Staffing, That's What's Up around the outside.
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